It’s All About the Links – on the PinHawk Blog

Jeff Brandt’s March 25, 2015, PinHawk blog post features my new blog post on Collaborista, Practicing Law Securely – Living with Links. Jeff wrote, “Bob rightfully acknowledges that “The ‘No More Attachments’ rule will be adopted and sustained only if people can work with documents in a Secure Repository in a practical way, easily mastered with low frustration.” While he ends with a focus on Intralinks VIA, his features that matter and assumptions for a secure repository apply to several other tools in the legal space.”

Practicing Law Securely – Living with Links

March 24, 2015. Following up on the “No More Attachments” theme, read my latest post on the Collaborista Blog, which explores and illustrates “Practicing Law Securely – Living with Links.”

Gerard Haubrich, of blessed memory

On February 16, 2015, Gerard Haubrich lost a many-year battle with cancer. He fought with a bravery, tenacity and humor that inspire us, even as we wrestle with the pain of loss.

I had the privilege and pleasure to work with Gerard for more than fourteen years. We began as vendor and customer. In 2001 I joined his staff, and became one of his Practice and Project Service Directors. Without undermining formal titles or authority, we worked as colleagues, with deep respect for each other’s skills, experience and insights. I have had no colleague easier to talk to, whether about work or about life.

Gerard recognized and championed the people who make technology work. He understood that lawyers need technology to serve their practice of law, not to win a beauty contest for the flashiest tool or solution. He called technology a fragile ecology, a truth that continues. We struggled to deliver both simplicity and capability. Sometimes it was hard to achieve a winning combination.

When we first met, I sought to win the engagement with Drinker Biddle by answering his questions, as directly as I could. He said that doing just that won the work. I never forgot that and continue to try to teach it.

Gerard gave me an extraordinary chance to develop a new technology curriculum as part of the expanded training for arriving lawyers in 2008. Sooner or later, I may publish the book we wrote in those classes.

May we achieve and sustain relationships as strong as those Gerard created and cultivated. May our memories of Gerard keep his soul flourishing in our lives.

Featured on Pinhawk Blog: Fighting Back with “No More Attachments”

Under the title, “Fighting Back“, the February 5, 2015 Pinhawk Blog featured the Collaborista Blog post, “Practicing Law Securely – No More Attachments.” As Jeff Brandt wrote, “It all sounds ‘reasonable’ to me.”

Practicing Law Securely – No More Attachments

February 4, 2015 – A  serious and professional response to today’s cybersecurity risks for law practice – stop attaching documents to email messages. Share links to secure repositories. Read the blog post, “Practicing Law Securely – No More Attachments” at the Collaborista Blog.

Professional Services: Document Management System Assessment and (Re)Training

Document management systems – widely deployed, intensely used (or not), for two decades or more, a core of law practice technology. Yet, few practices (whether law firm or corporate) track and analyze document management system use in detail. Reports cover gross figures, such as the total number of documents and email messages stored. In some practices, document management systems have shown decreases in recent years, especially when measured per timekeeper. The overwhelming shift in communication and writing to email from more formalized documents such as memos and letters has been a key culprit.

Lawyers have a professional responsibility to create, maintain, complete and manage a full matter record for their work. Document management system design has responded to this for over a decade with “matter centered” or “matter centric” designs, most recently with Microsoft’s announcement of its Matter Center for Office 365.

The analysis and training (or retraining) presented here can expose weaknesses and build strengths in a law practice’s document management system usage.

The SQL and other databases that drive document management systems contain highly detailed information, but the reporting tools delivered with the document management system are limited in their capabilities. High capacity, Big Data tools can illuminate document management system usage, to tell lawyers the story of their use.

I.                  The Stories of Data – Using Document Management Systems

The assessment begins with a detailed analysis of the document management system. The patterns and story of use appear when document management data is tied to the law practice’s departmental or practice area organization and job positions. The assessment reports, describes and, especially, illustrates these stories. These narratives engage lawyers, whether rainmakers, practice leaders, technical masters, or lawyers new to practice. They also can and should be targeted to paralegals, legal assistants and secretaries.

The stories of document management use can address questions, among others:

  • What is the volume and frequency of filing email messages, edited documents (primarily Microsoft Word), and completed or filed documents from inside and outside the practice (primarily PDF)?
  • How has volume and frequency of filing changed recently / over the past year / two years?
  • How does document management system usage vary by practice area, by job title and status?
  • How much “hidden” and inappropriately profiled use of the document management system goes on including personal workspaces, temporary, departmental and miscellaneous matter numbers?
  • Are the detailed folder structures of matter workspaces employed? If so, how frequently are these categories used for searching and browsing?
  • Can the analysis establish expectations for filing volume, frequency and accuracy, and catalogue the gaps by practice groups and individuals?

II.              Data Driven Interviews and Focus Group Meetings

Interviews and focus groups can have significant value in the assessment. The objective is to bring to life actual usage, especially by identifying model users and bringing their stories of success and frustration into the analysis and the training that could develop from it. When interviews, either one-on-one or by focus group follow a detailed usage analysis, the discussion can be informed and detailed. It can also be practical to conduct interviews remotely. A remote session, with a shared view of the user’s screen can provide insights hard to capture in a less prepared conversation about use.

III.           Lawyer and Law Practice Oriented Training and Retraining – The Case Study method

To gain not just competence, but fluency in using technologies for their practice, lawyers must understand and embrace why technologies should be used, the problems technology solves (and sometimes creates) and their responsibility for the consequences.

Inspired by law school instruction, this program employs case situations that pose the risks and benefits associated with filing and retrieval in document management systems. The widespread shortcoming in filing email messages in matter centered document management systems get significant attention, accompanied by recommendations for methods and work habits to solve the gaps.

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Practicing Law Securely – Look Both Ways (Before Clicking)

The second Practicing Law Securely blog post explores the dangers of clicking on links in email messages and web pages.

Review of MindJet MindManager

A review published at TrustRadius shares my enthusiasm for MindJet’s MindManager.

Practicing Law Securely – a blog series at the CollaboristaBlog

Enjoy Bob Blacksberg’s posts on the CollaboristaBlog, hosted by Intralinks. The first post, “Practicing Law Securely – Be Aware” begins a series devoted to data security and the practice of law. The posts balance understanding risks, professionalism and practical guidance. To say that data security is a hot issue may be the understatement of 2015.

The Lawyer’s Email: Mastering Messages | Regaining Control

Coming on November 19, 2013, a two hour CLE, “The Lawyer’s Email: Mastering Messages | Regaining Control.” For more information, follow the link to the detailed class description.