Archives for November 2, 2016

Risk Assessment Tile – Use Carefully if at All

Risk Asessment Tile

Figure 1 – Risk Assessment Tile

Results - Risk Assessment Only

Figure 2 – Results – Risk Assessment Only











Term Risks include Inconsistent Capitalization not shown in Risk Assessment

Figure 3 – Term Risks include Inconsistent Capitalization not shown in Risk Assessment



The top tile of the Contract Companion panel contains a link called “Risk Assessment.” (Figure 1) It was not covered in class or in the course handout.

This tile only displays results of the Contract Companion analysis that were marked with the Important red triangle or have been Flagged. (Figure 2)

These categories of Contract Companion results omit many items that should be considered when proofreading an agreement, including the very important Inconsistent Capitalization results. (Figure 3) While results reported with the Risk Assessment tile may be helpful as a final check after completing a Contract Companion review, we strongly recommend against starting with it.

The above results are based on the sample Independent Contractor Agreement used in the instructions and class.