Word of Law No. 6 – More Word Numbering

[Originally appeared 1999.]

The e-mails to WordofLaw@woodyswatch.com have raised many interesting issues, many of which need time to sort out. Several correspondents have asked where the numbering settings are stored. That tale will take us into the intricacies of the ListTemplate objects, their interaction with the Bullets and Numbering (aka List Galleries) dialog, and the related registry settings.

One question with an easier answer was asked by several writers. They wished to turn off the automatic numbering ”as you type.” When this feature is on, if one types a paragraph beginning with”1.”, upon pressing ENTER at the end of the paragraph, the next paragraph automatically begins with “2.” and so forth.

This and several other automatic formatting settings can be turned off on the Tools|AutoCorrect menu, AutoFormat as You Type tab. At the top of that dialog are 5 “Apply as you type” settings. We recommend that none of them be checked. Following the Laws of Styles in Word of Law No. 1 , such formatting characteristics should be applied intentionally by the selection of the appropriate style.

This example points to a strategy that we recommend for organizations using Word. The design for Word should consider all of the controllable default options. Chapter 2 Word 97 Annoyances, “Vital Changes,”is an essential reference. A macro should be prepared that resets Word’s options to the organization’s default settings. This allows users, support and help staff to get Word working “right” again, from the organization’s point of view.

The following macro disables the AutoFormat as You Type settings mentioned above. A complete macro to set Word’s options would include the entire set of options.

Sub CorrectAutoFormatasYouTypeOptions()
With Options
.AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyHeadings = False
.AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyBorders = False
.AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyBulletedLists = False
.AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyNumberedLists = False
.AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyTables = False
End With
End Sub

This 1999 article originally appeared in Office Watch.  Subscribe to Office Watch free at http://www.office-watch.com/.